Chita Albions Gold
Geb. 18-06-2015
(BRI ny11)

Father: Eur. Gr. Int. Ch. Old Possum’s Just William
(Billy) (BRI ay11)
Mother: Debora van de Pronkse Schonen
(Loesje) (BRI ny11)

Chita is a relatively big and well build, naughty lady. She has a lighter color as
her sister Coco. Chita carries the blue shaded gene.

She is a cheeky girl, who doesn’t know the word cautious. No wonder she seeks
big trouble. There’s always us to save her from danger.

Chita is also bossy, but mother Loesje is still in charge.

Most of all, Chita loves to cuddling and hugging, all day long.